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rare to find a VN with a proper ending. Loved it! super interesting plot and cute character <3 thank you for making such a great game! o(^∀^*)o

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i regret playing this because now my standards are super high in visual novel games 


This game was amazing! I got through all three ending so quickly. The story was so adorable, and I absolutely love Crowe's personality!!! The artwork was also very cute, and the voice acting was awesome! I definitely wish there was more to the game, but I'm happy with what we got.👏👏👏😊


Holy mackeral, i randomly found this game on a browse through, and oh my gaaawwdd is it bad that i want a sequel  for this game?? i want more of Crowe ..!  Seriously, the story alone drew me in, but his character... phew... Me likey hahah


I played the fully released game about a week and a half ago, and I finally came back with words to say!!


Like, I still like VNs that are more choice heavy, but damn it, that did not matter in this game! I LOVED how this full version came out! The redesign, the art style, the funny quips, the mystery, the discovery, the Crowe, just – chef’s kiss. All of it. I’m not going to say this is the absolute best VN I’ve every played, but damn it, if this game is not one of my favorites!

Can we also just talk about the fact that the endings that we get are based on OUR feelings and not HIS feelings?! How refreshing is THAT?! I just – this was such a great experience, and I honestly hope more people stumble upon the gem that is this game. This came out really, REALLY good, and I’m glad I got to experience the full release as well as the absolute joy and surprise that was seeing the redesign and the finalities of the game! Developer, you did damn great, and you should be proud. This came out SO well! Also, the song during the credits was everythiiiiiiing!


AHHHH I loved this! The character designs and art were lovely, the music beautiful, and I really enjoyed the story and characters themselves. I've only played through once but really adored the ending I received. Crowe is 100% too freaking cute and I would absolutely stay a whole winter with this wonderful nerd. Also, OMG with the food and tea - talk about a tease. I was ready to move in after pancakes 🥰

Can't wait to play this again and see the other endings, and I'm totally looking forward to any other content you put out 💜


This was just the perfect blend of mystery, romance, and supernatural horror that kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time as the suspense built throughout the 7 days. It's superbly written and well-crafted.

As a faced MC enjoyer, I LOVED Aspen. The opening sequence characterizes them extremely well in just a few short sentences, and they're sympathetic and relatable. Throughout the story, Aspen is a likeable protagonist that you can root for. I especially enjoyed seeing their analytical side when they start puzzling out the "mystery" and the various facets to their personality in the different endings. They have a lot of pluck and guts, and despite their differing actions in the three endings I continued cheering them on. 

Crowe is EXTREMELY charming. He's naturally affable and adorably awkward, and the way that he shifts from being awkward to menacing is simply bone-chilling. The way that the dialogue maneuvers between showing you different aspects of Crowe's background/perosnality is very smooth and seamless. 

The writing is very good, especially the dialogue. It's natural, and Crowe and Aspen have a really nice chemistry together (especially when you choose to be "flirtatious" towards him). I appreciated how the dynamic between them changes slightly depending on how Aspen treats Crowe - whether it's cold, polite, or more comfortable. I also really enjoyed the worldbuilding here, how tidbits of information about the setting, Crowe's work, and plantlife are naturally incorporated into the dialogue. It gives the script a lot of liveliness and makes the world feel truly "alive." 

(The food descriptions and illustrations are really good? They all have my mouth watering, and I love how the food stays in-line with your dietary choice at the beginning of the game, wonderful attention to detail.)

The general atmosphere is PERFECT. I loved the music, and the snowy backgrounds really set the scene. The contrast of the black crows with the red eyes against the white, snowy landscape is a beautiful, haunting picture. All of the art is gorgeous. I especially loved the sprites, which are wonderfully expressive. (Crowe's original sprite was also gorgeous, but I love the sheer amount of details in his updated sprite - the patchwork jacket, the messy hair, the feather necklace - it adds so much characterization.) I really loved the "more dramatic" expressions too, including Aspen's freaked out sprite and their gremlin sprite. The CGs have a very textured quality to the way that the art is rendered that makes the CG scenes feel especially raw and emotional.


The way the endings are set up is very clever, and I really love the theme of "connection" that are built through them. I appreciate that the endings are NOT determined by how Crowe feels towards you; rather, they're determined by how Aspen feels towards Crowe - whether you choose to trust him or not, and whether you decide to persuade him to join your way of life or if you decide to adopt his instead.

All of the endings were satisfying in their own way, and I would have gladly accepted any one of them as an ending if this were kinetic. The comments about the "nature of love" during the "yandere ending" were intriguing indeed - is this love, or is this just obsession? And is there a difference? I think that the other two endings show that there is indeed a difference, as Aspen develops a meaningful connection with Crowe and becomes his partner rather than his victim. I like how the "Sweet" and the "Twisted" endings, while seemingly opposed at first glance, are fundamentally the same - Aspen, having trusted Crowe, reconciles with him, with the difference being whether Aspen accepts Crowe's way of life or convinces him to adopt a healthier mindset. I particularly appreciated the Sweet ending, where it is clear that, while Aspen has convinced Crowe to abandon his unhealthy ways, Crowe has also convinced Aspen to do the same - abandoning the job they hate in favor of a future that they really want. 

I especially appreciated the symbolism of the eyes in the two endings. In Twisted, Aspen's eyes turn red - symbolizing how they have adopted Crowe's warped POV. And in Sweet, Crowe's eyes return to the way that they were - symbolizing how he adopts Aspen's slightly healthier perspective. 

Overall, this is an INCREDIBLE game - an intriguing mystery with well-written romance and fascinating worldbuilding. I really enjoyed playing this!


Oh my god, Chaaaaatt!!!! This is such a wonderful comment!! This really made my day 😭😭😭💘💘💘

Thank you so SO much for such a kind review. I really enjoyed reading it and it warmed my heart seeing all the little things you pointed out that you liked about the game!! 

It also makes me super happy that you liked Aspen so much and that you picked on how the endings determined how Aspen felt about Crowe rather than how Crowe felt about them ❤️

I'm excited to play The Deepwater Witch soon!! 

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

Hey i cant play the game when i try to open it it says i need to install an app for this task soo does anybody know how to fix this?????


use winrar

ok thx u


Played this and I was amazed! :3

I got two endings and had fun doing it! Good work! I enjoyed it so much!


got all of the endings. i was hesitant to play since it didnt seem like the type of thing i normally go for, but after playing killer trait i knew i had to. it is now 4:50 am and i have to be awake in an hour and have 0 regrets. getting to play this and killer traits is worth the lack of sleep.


i will NEVER be the same again after playing this


Finally had time to get the final ending! This really is such a good game and the ending song such a bop! I love the teasing we get between Aspen and Crowe its so cute and funny, I absolutely LIVE for everytime Crowe blushes!❤️


This game is absolutely amazing, I enjoyed every moment of it!


Got the twisted ending!, Wow I was shocked that there were two others!

How do you get the twisted ending?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey there! On the game's description there's a link to the walkthrough if you're having trouble getting the other endings 😊

I unlocked all the endings, thank you!:)


No prob! Hope you had fun! 🌸


This is such a game! I played every single update and finally the full game, It lived up to me expectations and more, Amazing job, Can't wait to see you in the future!


OMG, I loved this game! I enjoy playing VN with friends, and the story was genuinely so interesting. And Crowe is really unique compared to other VN leads. I was so happy to find out a lot of your characters are on the asexual spectrum!!! I'm Biromantic, and It was refreshing to play a game and not have to worry about rejecting the character's sexual advances. I hope to see more of your work soon^^


Aww, thank you so much for your sweet comment!! ❤️🥹

Hehe, fellow biromantic!! It always makes me really happy when players on the ace spectrum feel seen in my games 🥰

You can definitely expect more of my stories to have ace romance!! 🫶


Love this game! Good combo of romance and horror! <3

The story was wonderfully made! The characters and the suspense and mystery were well woven and paced. The only critique I have is the lack of choices, and it's a bit hard to tell why I got my ending; how my choices affected the outcome. But overall it was great ^^


As expected, the full game still satisfied me. (I'M GLAD I CAME BACK AFTER A FEW MONTHS) changes of Crowe's design and sprite- IT'S STILL BEAUTIFUL. His complexities as a character were great and It made me fall in love with him when he's colorblind. His hair? LONG HAIR? god, marry me!! >:


I recently finished the game, and it's awesome. Crowe's wholesomeness is on another level, and the art and voice work are top-notch. The plot twist had me like, 'Wait, what?!'. The MC's banter? Lowkey hilarious. It's a solid game, and I'm impressed. Huge congratulations to the dev. Looking forward to more from her! ^^


I LITERALLY LOVE THIS SO MUCH??? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS... ASPEN IS SO CUTE AND RELATABLE AND CROWE IS SO FUDGING SWEET TDGWHJSA lowk i expected the plot where yk scavenger n him would hav dat n need dem hgdhyoomans (im purposely making it not understandable bc I DO NOT WANT TO SPOIL)  but omgggg i love this sm actuallyy thank u so much THE ART IS SO AMAZING AND I LOVE THIS SO FUCKING MUCH FSCHUJ


I waited so long for the release and it was all worth it  i love Crowe ♡ i love the story ♡ and love the game  ♡ love the mc too lmao just like me fr


This is really cute! Crowe was honestly so adorable, I was honestly waiting for any bold comment I could make to make him blush lol and I loved that the MC was so smug with it too, like we need more MCs like this!!! 

I would love more games like these if you want, these are very amusing and cute!




I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS GAME!!! I love how much time and effort was put into this and i enjoyed it a lot! 


All right... I rarely write comments but i just have to this time, remember playing demo. And now i found out that the full game is out! Played it, got all 3 endings and it was totally worth it. I enjoyed it a lot so thanks for great work! <3


May not remember me but I played the original demo to this and I've just been waiting and man is the full game great! Crow really changed and adding Aspen was cool too! I really enjoyed this and I'm glad it got fully released as so many demos never do. Thanks a lot really! Best of luck on your next project!
(1 edit) (+2)

I admit the full release was worth the wait. I enjoyed it and the lead up to the reveal. Crowe is so adorable! I love his design along with all the backgrounds and the other art pieces. The voice actor did a wonderful job! Thank you for such a wonderful game! You, the artists, and the voice actor for Crowe did such an amazing job! Honestly. this is one of my favorites so far! I hope to see more amazing games from you.  

(1 edit)





I've been looking forward to the full version ever since I played the demo. The winter atmosphere was so nice and I loved the partial voicing! I only got one ending (since I want to replay it once we get a blizzard where I am, for the immersion!) but the story in that one was really good even if it was a little sad too!


Nice atmospheric winter story with a bit of horror.  Crowe's face expressions are amazing. Anta did a great job with his sprite .




This is so nicely written!!!! the plot twist was soooo unexpected! love the second ending the most. (o゜▽゜)o☆


I really love this game. It's the second highest ranked game in my heart. I was sad because it was going to be redone, but after playing the redone version, I found that it is still an irreplaceable white moonlight in my heart😭

me looking at the pack of ciggs after i played this game.(strong language, but no spoilers.)

i finally played the full game, and oh my fucking god

i've been lurking and waiting for its release since like the demo was posted, which was maybe in december last year? (im not really good with dates) so yeah, about a year now. 

and holy shit, i was NOT dissapointed. 

the game is SO GOOD. 

i only got one ending so far, which is 'Sweet Ending'. and fuck, im gonna be honest, I CRIED, ACTUAL TEARS.  the ending, the game, the outro song, IT'S ALL SO GOOD I COULDN'T HELP BUT START SOBBING. (also had to go out for a smoke.) and mind you, im not an emitonal person, all of the times that i've cried can be counted on FINGERS, and i've never cried because of a game before. (maybe i just grew an unhealthy attachment to Crowe, but hey, we're not talking about that now are we)  so it's an achievement. 


the plot, the soundtracks, the characters IT'S ALL  JUST INCREDIBLE. everyone who took a part in making this masterpiece did and AMAZING job. i really wish i could donate my money as a thank you, but sadly i am not employed (cruel world we live in, fuck you society). 

the last time i felt such a big range of emotions from a game was when i played Life Is Strange, and that was a reaaaaally long time ago. but this game got to me bad. 

i do always end up liking a character in any game that i play, but Crowe? completely different story. this man is one of the really few characters that i don't just like, but LOVE. he's such a sweetheart, i cannot properly express how strong my feelings for him are.

overall, the game left a HUGE effect on me. and i can't properly express how much i love it. 

10/10, i'm gonna put it on the first place in my list of my most favourite games ever (sorry danganronpa and hatoful boyfriend, but i've made my choice).

(i hope my comment isn't too much but i really wanted to express how i feel about this game.)


Omg that's the sweetest comment ever 😭💘💘💘 thank you so much, I'm really touched that you enjoyed the game so much and that you also call it your favorite dhxshxh. That's super kind and sweet, I'm gonna sob myself 😭❤💕


Ahhh this is soooo good so far! I'm still at the beginning so I'm not finished yet, but I started playing while drinking my morning coffee before work and it's so engaging!!! The music, background images, and sound effects really add to the atmosphere, and I'm really impressed with the dialogue! I can't wait to play more after work!

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I like to do like narrated playthroughs of otome games, and since I've already played/it wouldn't be a blind run, although it'd have chat input and me doing voices, I figured since it might toe the line, it'd be best to ask you if that'd still be okay to do?


Yeah!  As long as the playthrough isn't completely silent that's totally fine! Thanks for asking 😊 Doing voices sounds like fun!


Eee thank you so much! I almost did it today but figured I should ask first, and that since tomorrow is the first of December it'd fit better, anyway. :3
And yeah doing voices is throat intensive but definitely fun. I've definitely got more of my friends in to different otome they'd never known of from it than otherwise and it's friggin' great to have more peeps to AAAAH over stuff with. Even if I have a softer spot for the yanderes than most of them do.

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