WWCG will become paid on August 8th/9th

Hello, everyone!

For those who haven't heard, I've recently made an important devlog on Killer Trait regarding several matters, but most importantly about my need for game funds in order to continue developing my games.

Seeing how my Patreon hasn't been doing well for several months, and how most of my game funds come from there (plus occassional donations from Ko-Fi as well as sales and donations from Itchio), I've decided that I'm going to be making Where Winter Crows Go a paid game. 

The devlog I shared above mentioned the possibility of making WWCG a paid game too, since I don't know how long it'll take for me to get enough Ko-Fi donations to help me with game funds for Killer Trait and Potion Pleasing. 

For the longest time, I thought WWCG would be free forever, but I unfortunately can't do that anymore since I really need the money if I want to continue making games. Game development is very expensive (especially for indies) and I'm only one person, so I need game funds in order to commission people for art, voice acting, programming help (when needed), GUI and music, among other things.

I wanted to make this announcement prior so that whoever wants to download WWCG and doesn't have the means to buy it can do so before the game becomes commercial on August 8th, 8 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time)/ August 9th, 12 AM GMT-3 (Buenos Aires, Argentina Time). It will be $5.

As always, thank you very much, everyone, for all the support and I hope you have a nice day!

Get Where Winter Crows Go

Buy Now$5.00 USD or more


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Already played the game but gladly brought it to support you ^^

Thank you so much, that's very sweet of you!! β€πŸ’•πŸ˜­


I had already downloaded it but had to buy it to support you.

Ashxhwhx that's really kind of you πŸ₯Ίβ€ thank you so much!!


i will make sure to buy the game then!! anything to support u pripri!
i wish u the best!!


That's really sweet of you, thank you so much!! πŸ₯ΊπŸ’–πŸ’•

its the least i can do! ^-^


Hello. will the game also be coming to steam? because itchio only supports creditcard/paypal. both are payment options i don't have.

 regardless i got the game for free and its amazing  definitely worth 10/15euro. have a great day!

(1 edit) (+6)

Hey there!

There aren't any plans for that, at the moment, sorry 😞. As a creator from Argentina, my sales from Steam would be in Argentine Pesos and the economy in my country is so bad right now that I can't really bear the cost of having sales in pesos—especially considering the recurrent inflation. And since most of the people I hire for art, voice acting and other things are from overseas, I have to pay them in USD as well.

Hopefully this changes if I ever move to another country some day! If I ever sell it on Steam I'll be sure to make an announcement!

Have a great day too and I'm happy you like the game! ❀️ 


I understand. thank you for the reply!


You don’t have to have a credit card to get paypal, just a bank account. Not sure if you’re in a country where there’s some extra restriction, but they make it pretty easy to access.


I have to ask,the people who already has this game (installed on their device for short) do they have to pay or smt in case it gets changed?


Those who have purchased the game on itch.io previously with the "name your own price method" for a minimum of 5 dollars wouldn't have to pay again if there are ever any changes to the base game. 

If there's ever any changes (for example, Aspen gets partial voice acting) and they happen to have the previous version, they can always contact me on prikarin(dot)owl(dot)gmail(dot)com and send me proof of their purchase.

If, however, you haven't purchased the game previously with the "name your own price" method (for a minimum of 5), then you'd have to pay for the game to download it again.

Hope that clears things up!


I see,thankfully for me,I still have it :3 and btw I hope things will work out for u cuz I love these games<3


Thank you! πŸ₯°