A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Pommy —short for Pommeline— goes on a coffee date with her partner Paris and hopes to come out to him as asexual.

This game was created for Cringe Culture is Dead Jam and Josei Jam.

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☕︎ 2706 words (10-20 minutes of playtime depending on reading speed)

☕︎ Original CG art, cover art & logo

☕︎ A cozy and emotional story about relationships and coming out as asexual/ace-spec.

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❥ Writer, Programmer, Creator: Pri Karin

❥ Cover Art & Phone Icons: Florisam

❥ Logo: Hadara Madrak

❥ GUI: RainingNight

❥ CG Art: Mustache Skulls 

❥ Park Background: Minikle

❥ Phone Feature: Nighten

❥ Music: Zukisuzuki

❥ SFX: StoryblocksFreesound, Maou Audio

❥ Beta Testers: Kristi "HusbandoGoddess" Jimenez, Carrot Patch Games, SnakkiezMustache Skulls  

Special thanks to Kristi and CyberSe7en for helping me with the rain animation and closing eye animation respectively~

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Content Warnings

⚠ Some swearing

⚠ Mentions of sex (not described or shown)

⚠ Main character having experiences with acephobia

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Updated 1 day ago
Published 6 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(22 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
TagsAmare, asexual, Cozy, josei, LGBT, LGBTQIA, Otome, Queer, Romance, Slice Of Life
Average sessionA few minutes


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

PetrichorVN-mac.zip 451 MB
PetrichorVN-pc.zip 456 MB


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This is such an unbelievably wholesome and sweet game. I remember you making a post talking about how you're uncomfortable with your characters being talked about in an NSFW way, so I assume you channeled much of your own experiences with this subject into the game. All-in-all, I'm really surprised at how profound this is, and how touched I was by it.

Thank you so much for such a sweet comment! It makes me happy that you enjoyed the game! 🥰 Yeah, a lot of Pommy's feelings are also my own; it was really cathartic writing about it all, hehe 😊


Would it be weird to say that pommy might have sorta made me realize that I'm ace/ace-spec.


Not at all! If anything, it makes me happy that my game has helped 😊 Congrats on figuring out this part about yourself 🥳🥰


A short but very powerful story/game. I absolutely love it and adore the characters and their interaction! The representation is well put in such a short story and I felt all their emotions, it's a magical and sweet experience!

I love how you, Pri, subtly but coherently expressed aromanticism and asexuality as well as what worries and struggles they might experience. The interaction between Pommy and Paris felt very real and relatable, the nervousness and goofiness are well-written and expressed. So cute!

Thank you so so much for making this game, and the people who helped and supported you in making it! 

That's so sweet, thank you so much for playing Petrichor and for such a heartfelt and sweet comment 😭❤️💕 I'm happy to know the interaction between Pommy and Paris felt relatable to you!!


Of course! I have also played Where Winter Crows Go and you did an incredible job there as well. The characters are relatable and funny, and the story is enticing! Keep writing, Pri, you are doing great! Your works also rekindled my desire to write, so I thank you again! 🌸 🌸 🌸 


Such a sweet and cozy story! This convo between Pommy and Paris is wonderful. Fantastic work, Pri & team ^^ <3

Thank you so much, Vivi!! I'm happy you enjoyed it! ❤️🥰


Beautiful! I love playing your games. Supporter since beta-release of that game with Crowe.


Aww thank you so much for your sweet comment and your support!! 🥺💕💖 I'm happy you liked this game too!


:D I remember your father and I share the same birthdays as you said something along the lines of that when I wrote that the game(Winter Crow) comes out a few days after my birthday.


Ooh, I remember your comment! Hehe, it's cool that you share a birthday with my Dad! 


this was really cute!! i realized i was ace like two years ago and it was such a freeing realization, i've never felt more comfortable about myself. but i do have the same worries as pommy and admittedly, it was made me scared about whatever future relationships i may have. so stories like pommy and paris make me really hopeful and optimistic.
thanks for the game!! i enjoyed it immensely <33


Aww, thank you so much!! It makes me happy to know you liked the story and could relate to Pommy as a fellow ace ❤️🥰

Yes, I believe there's hope for us aces who want a romantic relationship! There will always be people who accept us for who we are ❤️


I LOVED THAT!!!! It was super cozy and super cute!!!  And honestly I feel like it's a message that is super needed. Thank you so much for making this super cute short game!

Aww, I loved your playthrough, thank you so much for playing and for such a sweet review!! 😭❤️💕 


This was such a nice read, very sweet with an important message!

I loved Pommy and Paris' interactions both in the messages and at the cafe (the part about not wanting to wait inside because what if the staff asks to order? Very relatable). The art is gorgeous and the CG at the end is even cuter. 

Thank you for sharing this with us!

- Fellow cheesecake lover


Thank you so much for your kind and sweet comment!! 🥹💖 I'm happy you liked it and found it relatable!! 😊

Agreed, cheesecake is awesome!! 🍰


Wholesome and adorable/10 😊

Thank you for sharing such a personal, heartfelt story with us!

I can't stop smiling now after playing this. 😁  Keep being you! 💖


Asdfjchehs you're gonna make me cry 😭😭😭💖💕❤

Thank you so much for always being so supportive and sweet. Right back at you: Keep being you, Seven!! ☺️❤🌸


Such a sweet little game, but so important at the same time 🥺💕

My experience is not quite the same, but I can very much relate to being a bit out of the norm and the fear of your partner leaving once they learn about it. And yet, just like in this story, it turned out okay for me in the end! So I guess what I want to say is that even though this scenario may feel like a beautiful fantasy, there are people who WILL accept you, no matter how unlikely that feels sometimes. Because the right person will understand and if they don't, they were never right in the first place! So be like Pommy, take that leap, and live your truth flskfsk;lks;fks;


Aadjxhwhd thank you so much for such a sweet comment, Hiro, and for sharing your experiencie 🥺❤💕

Yeah, I hope this can become a reality for me sometime too 🥰 it's true that there are always people who will accept you just as you are!


Such a cute little VN, I love how soft and wholesome it is! <3 Thank you for writing and sharing such interesting stories with us, Pri.

When Paris showed his mp3 player and said nobody uses those anymore, I was like... "HA! I have a very similar-looking mp3 and I still use it all the time, too." High five to you, my man! xD


Asakjbfkasjbf thank you so much, Nayru!! That's such a sweet comment, I'm happy you liked the story!! ❤️😭

Hahah, Paris would definitely high five you for that! xD He loves his bunny mp3 player 🐰🎵


Awww, this is super cute!  Very wholesome.  I also really like the art and music.


Thank you so much, I'm happy you liked it!! ❤️🥰


Ooooh, this was a marvellous game that I really enjoyed!!

Funny coincidence, I also created, last year, a VN about an ace person going on a date in a café - the main difference is that, in mine, things went south and the character was confronted to acephobia; so seeing a sweeter take on it, and just experiencing a more positive ace story was so cool!!! Aaaah!!!!!!

First, I have to say I really loved the art! Paris' expressions were absolutely endearing, and even funny! The CG was gorgeous  too! I also loved the GUI, and all the details regarding the food art, or the keychain, it added so much to this VN!

For the story, I ADORED it so much, oh my God?? It was cosy, it was sweet, Paris is ADORABLE!!!! The build-up to the confession (Pommy's asexuality) was very well done, and I could feel her anxiety - it was also portrayed very authentically. Paris' reaction was of course adorable, and him sharing his actual experience with an aromantic partner was an amazing idea!! I'm flabbergasted you managed to explore so many nuances of relationship on the aroace spectrum in such a short game, kudos to the writing!!

This was a great game, it literally makes me feel so giddy!! Thanks for this adorable ace story, we need more of those!!! It was amazing, goodness, you made my day, I'm so happy!!!!


Askajbfkajsbf omg that's so sweet, thank you so much, Chim, it makes me really happy to know you enjoyed it and that it made your day!! 🥹💖💘

This story is very personal so it means a whole lot to know that it touched your heart!! 😭❤️❤️❤️

I definitely have to play Namida, I'll leave you a comment when I do!! 🥰 I agree that we definitely need more ace stories!!


This is a really great game concept. Added to wishlist!


Thank you! I hope you enjoy it! 😊